Rowan Travers
Carving and Lawn Service
My Story
Rowan the Weasel
My name is Rowan and I am 13 years old. I would like to share my work with you. I enjoy making things because if I want something, the best course of action is to make it. That is helpful because I can make it specifically the way I need it. I just started mowing lawns to earn money for materials to create more things. Perhaps you can hire me to mow your lawn! On an unrelated subject, I like weasels.
Knowledge & Expertise
Boxwood Spoons
Boxwood is a very hard and springy wood. Boxwood grows very slowly.
Rowan with Eggy
Eggy is an osage orange self bow. A self bow is a bow that consists of just one piece of wood. It is 33#25.5". Eggy is my first bow, and certain will not be my last. (Sept 26, 2021)
My Eggy
Rowan with Eggy
This is a picture from Sacred Hunt Camp. It was very fun.
Big Cutting Board
It is made of 4 pieces of wood glued together. This was absolutely painful to make.
Cutting Board
This is my first cutting board. It is made of four separate pieces of wood glued together. The edges are chamfered.
The Large Hatchet
This is an almost 3 and a half foot battleaxe. The wood is hickory. This is the only battleaxe I have made. I did everything I could to lighten it, because it is quite heavy.
Slightly Smaller Hatchet
I got tired of constantly glueing the blades back on, so I modified it to be a single-bladed axe. One fewer blade to glue back on!
The Enormous Pudding Spoon
This spoon is over 4-feet long. The wood is poplar. Since Poplar is a soft wood, it wasn't that difficult. It doubles as a plate, a bowl, a paddle, a mast, a walking stick, and other uses that I haven't figured out yet.
These otters are named (in order from top to bottom): Twibb, Thibb and Twobb. Twibb and Thibb are made of local Indiana black walnut, and Twobb is made of some sort of South Carolina driftwood found on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean.
Otter Family
Fairly self-explanatory
Otter Family Aerial View
"O.K" - his full name is "Otter Knife"Â - (second to the right) doubles as a letter opener.
Owl before face
It is nice on our deck.
The Owl
This owl's name is Lechuza, which means Owl in Spanish. I did not actually make him, but I did re-finish him and gave him a better base.
The Lettuce
This owl's name is Lechuga, which means Lettuce in Spanish. Inspired by Lechuza, Lechuga is made of black walnut.
Ice Wave and Stakey
Ice Wave (top) and Stakey (bottom) are two very smooth stabby things. They are both made of American Hornbeam, otherwise known as Ironwood.
Cherry Bowl
It is my first bowl. It took a lot of time.
Mulberry Bowl
This bowl is made of mulberry. It was rather tedious to make. When it is the right season, mulberry trees produce a tasty kind of berry.
The upper one is made of cherry wood. The lower one is made of Pau Ferro, otherwise known as Bolivian Rosewood.
More Wands
These are other wands that I made. The woods (from top to bottom) are cherry, ash and fumed oak. Fumed oak is oak that has been exposed to strong ammonia fumes, over time turning the wood dark.
Twisted wand
It is a softwood found on Isle Royale National Park, in Lake Superior.
Crossbow Slingshot
This was an experiment on my part. It was really fun to make. It is basically a slingshot with a crossbow body, and a crossbow trigger.
Osage Orange Knives
They are made from cut-offs from Eggy, and are therefore named "Eggy Stabby" (top) and "Eggy Slicey" (bottom).
Eggy Stabby and Eggy Slicey
See above
Long Dirk
It is made of holly wood. It was going to be made into a spear, but there were technical difficulties.
Dogwood Knife
This knife is double-edged, and is coated with super glue. It makes an extremely strong, hard and water-proof finish.
Katalox Knife
This is a modification of an older knife. This one is shorter and balanced better.
Osage Club
This is a club that I made out of a broken bow limb. It is used for finishing off a small game if the first shot was not a kill shot.
Autumn Olive Stick
The wood was found in a scrap pile in Yellowwood Forest.
Lignum Vitae Letter Opener
Lignum Vitae is an extremely dense wood that sinks in water.
Antler Pre-Knife
The antler came from a deer carcass found behind a friend's house. I later turned part of it into a knife.
Antler Letter Opener
Antler opener (top). Lignum Vitae opener (middle). Small Osage Orange letter opener (bottom).
Scrap Metal with Homemade Handle
I found the metal on the side of a road and I made it into a knife. The handle was made with Lignum Vitae.
Pau Ferro Knife
Pau Ferro is Bolivian Rosewood. It is slightly beneath Hickory in terms of strength and hardness.
Dogwood knife
(Insert Smiley Emoji)
Skinny boxwood spoon
This one took a lot of time finishing.
Boxwood Kunai
A kunai is a traditional knife used by Japanese farmers for breaking through soft materials, like dirt or plaster. They are most well-known from Anime movies.
Three Knives
These are three knives that I made. The upper one is Hickory, the middle one is black palm, the lower one is also hickory. Black palm is from a type of palm tree.
The wood is Hickory, with fumed oak inlays.
Walking stick with design
Carved Walking Stick out of walnut.
Hickory Long Sword
Traditional Medieval long swords look very different: they are double-edged and straight, with a wide cross-guard.
Hickory Sword
I got the design idea from Thranduil's swords from The Hobbit. The holes are used to reduce friction on the blade. These are decorative.
Large Hickory Sword
Most of my swords have fullers. Fullers reduce the weight without reducing the strength. The design was inspired by Orcrist from The Hobbit. It is particularly large and heavy.
Write to Rowan
I would love to hear from you.
Bloomington, Indiana, USA
(585) 410-7534